Utility Station Bundle

Convenient 2' x 2' Footprint
When you replace an underused 2' drain board with the Utility Station, you can provide your customers with a cocktail station, as well as a multi-functional storage space.

Efficient Design
Remove the speed rack to reveal nearly 3 cubic feet of storage. Users can store items they infrequently reach for, but definitely need quick access to: backup liquor, cherries, olives, garnish picks...Bartenders will figure out the best way to utilize this space, and will thank you for providing it.

The space on top of the Utility Station is a blank canvas, allowing bartenders to arrange it to best suit their workflow. Whether it's used to store glassware, bottles, a blender, or a combination of all three, the Utility Station provides flexibility. It allows bartenders to determine what works best for their particular workflow needs. They're the ones bringing in the revenue, so they should have an efficient workspace that makes their lives easy. Happy employees provide great guest experiences.

Universal Fit
The Utility Station fits 99% of standard bar designs. Auto-Rinse™ mounted on top of the Utility Station has a total height of 41"- 42"--standard bar height. It sits flush the bar top, allowing bartenders to take full advantage of the storage deck to organize their tools. The depth of the Utility Station is also universal. We made sure to make the unit 2' deep with the speed rack attached, so it lines up with standard underbar equipment.
Downloadable Spec Sheet