The Cube Bundle

Maximize Space

Instead of simply putting legs on Auto-Rinse™, we decided to create
useful storage space to keep backup liquor, napkins, straws, and more.
The Cube is great for smaller bars short on space.

Tiny Footprint,
Perfect Height

The Cube's compact design allows you to use Auto-Rinse™ without sacrificing
a lot of space. All you need is 15" of lateral space, and 15" of depth to exponentially increase a bar station's efficiency. The total height of Auto-Rinse™ mounted to the Cube is 41" - 42" so it sits flush to most standard bar tops.

A Little Storage...

...goes a long way. Use The Cube to store smaller items (picks, straws, bev-naps), or even larger items like olive jars. Don't let the small size fool you--the Cube can store 12-15 1L bottles. Ladies, how about finally having a nice spot to keep your purse safe and dry? Sure beats keeping it on the back bar.

Downloadable Spec Sheet