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Barista's Best Friend

Auto-Rinse™ is the perfect companion for an espresso machine, allowing baristas to rinse milk-frothing pitchers and shot glasses inside and out, ensuring that every latte, cappuccino, and espresso taste their very best.

Rinses Inside & Out

Traditional coffee shop rinsers only rinse the inner surfaces of vessels, which just doesn't make sense. Baristas know that the outer surfaces of frothing pitchers get nasty fairly quickly, and that's not a good image to put forth. Auto-Rinse™ automatically rinses 2 vessels, while baristas move on to making their next drink. Gaining a few extra seconds is major during a morning rush.

Fit For Bubble Tea

Rinsing is a major thing in bubble tea. Workers need to rinse their beverage-making vessels constantly, which makes Auto-Rinse™ a natural fit. Our automatic and consistent rinse gives bubble tea workers a blank canvas to create their next beverage masterpiece.

Downloadable Spec Sheet