Beer Glass Rinsers Do The Job OK, But Not As Good As Auto-Rinse™

Beer Glass Rinsers
- manual, inconsistent
- rinses inside only
- rinses 1 vessel at a time
- rinses 1 side of a jigger
- cannot rinse cocktail strainers
- dump sink required for shaker ice

- automatic, consistent
- rinses inside & out
- rinses 2 vessels + 2 strainers
- rinses both sides of a jigger
- rinses cocktail strainers
- shaker ice dump built-in
Mixology Stations Create Sanitation Problems and Waste Water

Mixology Stations
- manual, inconsistent rinse
- sink used for dumping & hand-washing
- dump sink can contaminate rinser and dip well, which can contaminate bar tools
- dip well wastes water

- automatic, consistent rinse
- ice dump for shaker ice only
- provides a separate, clean zone for rinsing
- tools do not get exposed to wet waste
- metered, 4-6 second rinse saves water
Mixology stations were introduced by a major manufacturer shortly after we developed Auto-Rinse™.
After seeing the real need that Auto-Rinse™ was addressing, they decided to create their own version. Other manufacturers soon followed.
The designers of these units overlooked a fundamental problem: the dump sink, rinser, and dipper well are too close to each other, which makes cross-contamination inevitable.
Traditional dipper wells also waste thousands of gallons of water annually, and end up costing operators hundreds to thousands of additional dollars per year.
Why would you buy equipment that increases your water bill?
Standard Faucets Waste Time, Water, and Create Sanitation Risks

Standard Faucets
- manual, time-consuming, inconsistent
- tools exposed to contaminated surfaces
- running faucets waste water

- automatic, quick, consistent
- tools rinsed in a separate, clean zone
- metered, 4-6 second rinse saves water
3-Compartment Sinks Waste a Huge Amount of Time

3-Compartment Sinks
- manual, time-consuming, inconsistent
- located away from bar stations, which forces bartenders to waste time walking to and from sinks

- automatic, quick, consistent rinse
- integral part of bar stations, which enables bartenders to keep making drinks without interruption
3 compartment sinks are often located centrally in a bar, which means they are several steps away from any given bar station.
That means that every time a bartender has to rinse their tools, they have to walk to the sink, dunk their tools in each compartment, and walk back to their station.
Bartenders can’t afford to waste time walking to and from sinks when an entire restaurant is waiting for drinks.
Glass Washers Are Overkill & Wasteful For Cleaning Bar Tools

Glass Washers
- automatic, 90 second cycle
- wastes chemicals and electricity
- wastes capacity for washing glassware
- increases cycles when used for bar tools

- automatic, 4-6 second cycle
- does not use chemicals or electricity
- saves glass washer capacity
- reduces glass washer cycles, which reduces costs
Glass washers are used to process bar tools because it’s convenient. However, every time that start button is pressed, time, chemicals, and energy are being wasted.
Most importantly, capacity for washing glassware decreases. The last thing you want when you’re busy is to run out of glassware to fill drink orders (customers hate that).
Bar tools come out of glass washers very hot, which can cause expensive mixing glasses to crack from thermal shock.
Overusing glass washers also increases wear and tear, shortening their service life. Auto-Rinse™saves you on chemical costs
Rinsing Bar Tools With Soda Guns Is Inconsistent,
And Poor For Brand Image

Soda Guns
- manual, inconsistent, time-consuming
- reflects poorly on your brand

- automatic, consistent, quick
- shows you value quality & sanitation